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01455 291100
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We manufacture under the brand name Snipersystems
Global Rifle are distributors for the following manufacturers
Every shooter has been through it, the dreaded wait until another shooter has finished shooting, before being able to go down range and change to a new target.
All shooters are different. Some want to changes targets after a few shots, some will shoot half and hour or more before a change. With the Tarbot, you can change your target from the comfort and safety of your shooting position with the push of a button. Using a wireless keyfob button, you can advance the target roll to a new target on command. That equals a lot of walking time saved and not wasted clearing the range, and securing weapons. Target rolls are 50 feet long, so plenty of targets are available on command.
GLOBAL RIFLE, Woodside Farm, Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicestershire, LE9 8JE (office only, no shop)
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